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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone!!

I just want to fill you in on my experience in South Africa so far! It’s so good, but honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever done! I am partnered with a ministry where from 10-1 we do all of the paperwork and lesson planning for the day, and from 2-5 we teach. Teaching can range from English, to math, music, chess, and even coding. I know right wild! A lot of times it’s really hard to stay positive and to speak life into everything when I’m stressed, tired, and have flat brain from all the math I did throughout the day. It’s been such a challenge not complaining but before the race I wanted to be able to be grateful for everything and complain about nothing. It’s finding the Joy when days feel heavy and long. Its joyfully saying thank you Jesus for lunch when its the 100th PBJ of the race.It’s honestly a stretching of heart where my flesh doesn’t want to, but I GET TO and in return I look more like Jesus! It’s so good!!

Sooo yea! Another thing I’ve really learned is that I cannot live out of my own strength and understanding. If I don’t read my Bible in the morning and spend time with the Lord I have a hard hard day. And if i spend quite time with him in the morning I have an amazing day! It really showed me that I cannot do this on my own and how much I truly need him. Anyways I’m going to close by asking for prayer and that be to ask the Lord to point out all the things to be grateful for, and just a discipline of waking up earlier for Jesus time:) thank you so much for your time guys and I Love y’all !!! 


3 responses to “gratitude”

  1. It’s true, spending time with Jesus makes your whole day better. I’m so proud of you. I love you, Ray!

  2. I’m so proud of you! And you’re right – apart from Jesus we can do nothing. I am praying your time with Jesus in the mornings is beautiful and life giving.
    Love you ray ray.

  3. Raylee,
    I love seeing your growth in the Lord as you’re seeking His face each day. His word is a lamp for your feet and a light unto your path. I love you sweet girl and pray Christ will be glorified in your life. Blessings ??