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Hey y’all! At the moment I am on a 10 hour bus ride right now, and I’ve decided to be somewhat productive on my ride. Using my time I’ve been reading this really good apologetic by C.S. Lewis called “The Screwtape Letters”. It has brought up a ton of conviction throughout reading it. This book is written in the perspective of the opposing side, the devil. It shows how productively he works through not only our lives but through others, just to get us doubting and vulnerable. In our book Screwtape says “The simplest is to turn their gaze away from Him towards themselves”(Lewis, 16).

Lewis brings us to be aware that the devil uses our pride to disconnect us from our father. That really hit home. Recently I’ve been living in pride, which is not the most fun thing ever. I’ve been worrying what others think of me, and even asking the Lord for things, but having a selfish motive behind it. It has gotten to the point where I am asking myself why my relationship with him is weak and can even feel nonexistent at times. I realized that it is because I have been doing many things for myself and not the Lord, I haven’t been seeking that relationship. Now that I’m aware of how the devil has chosen to attack me I can turn around and come back to reality, and find my confidence in the Lord and not myself. I’m going to close in prayer for these next two weeks waiting for boot camp.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I am so thankful for everything you do for me. Thank you Jesus for brining me to this book so that I can come back to you clear minded and confident in your guidance and love. I love you so much Lord and please give me the strength to get through this busy week. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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